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Sleeping Baby

Paediatric Spinal Manipulation: The evidence, the risks & what clinicians must know

AAOMPT Podcast

Welcome to the International Organisation of Physiotherapists in Paediatrics


The international Organisation of Physiotherapists in Paediatrics (IOPTP) is an official speciality group of World Physiotherapy. The purpose of the IOPTP is to provide a means by which World Physiotherapy member organisations, with a common interest in children and their families, may meet, confer, and promote these interests.

​Objectives of the IOPTP

  1. To foster cooperation between physical therapists practising in paediatrics throughout the world

  2. To encourage improved standards and consistency of practice in paediatrics care by physiotherapists

  3. To advance practice by communication and exchange of information

  4. To encourage scientific research and promote opportunities for the spread of knowledge of new developments in the field of paediatrics

  5. Assist World Physiotherapy member organisations in the development of recognised subsections in paediatrics

The IOPTP are interested in hearing your thoughts about how we can best support physiotherapists and children within our member countries. Please contact us at to share your ideas.

Children's Race
Child in Air Yoga
Happy Children

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